

ADAS1000 Evaluation Board
ADAS1000 Evaluation Board

The EVAL-ADAS1000SDZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the ADAS1000. The evaluation kit consists of an evaluation board kitted with 2 ADAS1000 devices capable of demonstrating ECG capture up to 12 leads. Included in the kit is a medical grade +5V wall adaptor with interchangeable worldwide wall plugs and a CD with user software for data capture and display. The software allows control of all ADAS1000 registers, ability to capture and display ECG data, respiration data, pace pulse detection and store data for offline processing. This evaluation board is provided for silicon evaluation purposes and is not designed to be connected directly to animal or human. This board operates in conjunction with the System Development Platform (SDP) or alternatively may be interfaced to directly via a dedicated serial interface connector (J4). The SDP controller board connects to the PC via USB 2.0. The evaluation board connects to the SDP controller board. The ADAS1000 evaluation board cannot be connected directly to the PC. The evaluation software running on the PC will communicate with the evaluation board through the SDP Controller board. The SDP Controller board is a separate list item in the ordering guide below (EVAL-SDP-CB1Z). If you have not previously purchased an SDP Controller board, please do so to ensure a full evaluation setup.


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