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ADAU1452 Evaluation Board

ADAU1452 Evaluation Board provides access to the digital serial audio ports of the ADAU1452, as well as some of its general purpose I/O. Analog I/O is provided by the included AD1938 codec. The ADAU1452 core is controlled by Analog Devices, Inc., SigmaStudio™ software, which interfaces to the board via a USB connection. The board is powered by a 6 V DV supply, which is regulated to the voltages required on the board. The printed circuit board (PCB) is a 4-layer design, with a single ground plane and a single power plane on the inner layers. The board contains connectors for external analog inputs and outputs and optical S/PDIF interfaces. The master clock is provided by the integrated oscillator circuit and on-board 12.288 MHz passive crystal.


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